All'inizio del 2014 prenderà avvio il nuovo programma quadro di ricerca e innovazione dell'Unione. Il nome, Horizon 2020, dà l'idea della vastità. In effetti, vasti sono i campi che il programma ingloba al suo interno, dalle eccellenze scientifiche alla competitività industriale, e ampia è anche la portata economica: 80 miliardi di euro. Di seguito notizie di sintesi su Horizon 2020. (Fonte: M. Bonucci, 18-05-2012) The name of the Union’s new funding programme for research and innovation – Horizon 2020 – reflects the ambition to deliver ideas, growth and jobs for the future. Horizon 2020 will be a key tool in implementing the Innovation Union flagship initiative, in delivering on the commitments made therein and in responding to the conclusions of the 4 February 2011 European Council and to the European Parliament’s Resolution of 12 May 2011 on the Innovation Union4. Horizon 2020 brings together all existing Union research and innovation funding, including the Framework Programme for Research, the innovation related activities of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)5. This approach is widely recognised by stakeholders as the way forward6 and has also been supported by the European Parliament in its Resolution of 27 September 20117, the European Economic and Social Committee8 and the European Research Area Committee9. The set of proposals for Horizon 2020 consists of: 1) a proposal for Horizon 202010, laying down the general objectives, rationale and Union added value, the financial envelope and provisions on control, monitoring and evaluation; 2) a proposal for a single specific programme to implement Horizon 202011, laying down the implementation modalities and the content in terms of the broad lines of activities; 3) a proposal for a single set of Rules for Participation and Dissemination12, laying down the modes of funding and reimbursement of costs, conditions for participation, selection and award criteria and the rules on ownership, exploitation and dissemination of results; and 4) a separate proposal for the part of Horizon 2020 corresponding to the Euratom Treaty13. These proposals are accompanied by the necessary ex-ante impact assessments14. Complementary to this package, there is also a separate proposal for a revision of the EIT Regulation. Notizie più dettagliate nel documento della Commissione europea. Articoli su Horizon 2020 al seguente link.