Series Editor: Futao Huang, Timo Aarrevaara, Martin Finkelstein, 2022. ebook.
The book explores and compares what changes have occurred in these themes from 1992 and-or 2007 to 2017, and what similarities and differences exist between the different countries. Changes occurring in academics' teaching and research activities are more significant and evident compared to other more minor academic activities over time.
Unlike academics who were only engaged in teaching in the European mediaeval universities, the emergence of the links between teaching and research based on the Humboldtian idea of the university and the establishment of the University of Berlin in the early 19th century are considered to be the starting point and symbol of modern universities. However, although the Humboldtian idea has been introduced to many countries since the 19th century, it has been practised differently according to the national higher education context, to varying institutional characteristics and other factors. The massification of higher education started in Western countries in the 1960s and brought about tremendous changes to academics' teaching and research activities. New ways of conceptualising knowledge, the advancement of economic globalisation and the application of the theory of new public management in higher education as well as the construction of global first-rate universities in some higher education systems over the past 30 years have not only made academic work more diversified, and increasingly complex, but have also changed universities' teaching and research activities and views about the teaching-research nexus. A general trend is that the role of academics' research and their research productivity has been increasingly strengthened. Numerous research studies have been undertaken concerning academics' activities, their views of the two different activities and the teaching-research nexus from various perspectives. For the first time, the complexities of academics' teaching and research and their relationships at the global level are empirically analysed in the new book and discussed in relation to the relevant findings from the international survey of the academic profession coordinated by the US Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in 1992-93, in which 14 countries participated. Most chapters of the book analysed the data on teaching, research and the nexus between the two based on surveys of similar target populations – universities or higher education institutes which award bachelor or equivalent degrees, just as the previous international surveys in 1992 and 2007 did. Seemingly, globalisation of higher education has not led to more commonly shared views of the teaching-research nexus. Remarkable differences are still apparent and are considerable between countries, universities and individual academics. Moreover, academics are still confronted with the challenge of how to balance their teaching and research activities and must still strive to bring the two together. (F: UWN 27.08.22)