
Ed. Scholars at Risk Academic Freedom Monitoring Project. Pp. 64.
Scholars at Risk (SAR) announces the release of Free to Think 2019, a report analyzing 324 attacks on higher education communities in 56 countries between September 1, 2018 and August 31, 2019. Thousands of educators and academics are killed, imprisoned, attacked, or threatened around the world each year because of what they teach, write, or say. This is dangerous for all of us. It not only destroys lives, but it also denies everyone the benefit of expert knowledge, destabilizes vulnerable societies, and cripples the healthy public discourse that sustains democracy.
Scholars at Risk is an international network of over 500 higher education institutions and thousands of individuals in 39 countries that is leading the charge in protecting and offering sanctuary to threatened scholars and students. Our mission is to protect higher education communities and their members from violent and coercive attacks, and by doing so to expand the space in society for reason and evidence-based approaches to resolving conflicts and solving problems. We meet this mission through direct protection of individuals, advocacy aimed at preventing attacks and increasing accountability, and research and learning initiatives that promote academic freedom and related values.
Institutions and individuals are invited to take part in this important work by joining the network, offering to host at-risk scholars, organizing campus events, advocating on behalf of imprisoned academics and students, conducting research through SAR's Academic Freedom Monitoring Project and working groups, proposing your own projects, and donating to SAR to sustain these activities. To learn more about SAR activities, network membership, or how you or your institution might benefit, please visit : www.scholarsatrisk.org .
Il network @ScholarsAtRisk #SAR , cui #unipv partecipa attivamente, organizza un ciclo di seminari sulla liberà accademica. Scopri il programma completo http://news.unipv.it/?p=50486